Category Archives: Tips And Tricks

Wake up quietly with daylight alarm clock and fitness tracker

Many people let themselves be woken up in the morning by their smartphone, an alarm clock or a radio alarm clock. I used to do that too. However, at some point these alarm clocks annoyed me tremendously, because they all woke me up rather loudly and roughly. With these alarm clocks I already had horror before […]

Can a White Noise Machine Help Against Annoying Noises When Falling Asleep?

Can you sleep better with a white noise machine ? We would like to pursue this question in this article. Most people need an absolutely quiet bedroom for a good night’s sleep. Such a place of rest can be achieved in various ways, for example by soundproofing the bedroom , a soundproof curtain , or by soundproofing the wall from the neighbor . Sometimes, despite all the […]

Improve Sound Insulation For The Home Office

What used to be considered an exotic exception is now more and more common. Namely the possibility of working from home, also known as home office. In the meantime, it’s not just self-employed people who work from home. One has the impression that companies are increasingly giving their employees the opportunity to work at least partially at […]

You Can Do This If The Windshield Wiper Squeaks

You have prepared yourself thoroughly for a longer car journey, you drive off in good spirits and suddenly notice when it starts to rain that the windshield wiper is creaking . Squeak, squeak, squeak . Oh no, how annoying! This monotonous noise that recurs at short intervals can get on your nerves. Especially when driving in the rain, where […]

Laptop Fan Loud? – With These 13 Tips Your Notebook Will Be Quiet Again

Is your laptop fan loud and annoying you more and more while working or watching videos? Then it’s time to do something about it. Because a loud laptop fan is not only annoying, it can also indicate serious problems with the notebook. Here you can find out why your laptop fan is too loud and what you […]

What Is The Difference Between Sound Absorption And Sound Insulation?

When it comes to the general topic of noise protection, some terms are sometimes mixed up. This is no great wonder, as there are quite a few technical terms related to this. Terms such as sound insulation, sound insulation, sound absorption, sound insulation, sound absorption, soundproofing, etc. can sometimes be confusing. But when it comes to […]

Preventing Doors Slamming – This Is How You Secure Doors Against Slamming

Who doesn’t know that: the relaxed silence is suddenly and completely unexpectedly disturbed by a deafening bang. Bang, a door is slammed. How can the popping doors can prevent and secures doors to slam, you will learn in this article. Why do doors slam? Once you know the problem, the solution is not far. So we should first […]

Reduce Reverb – 14 Ideas For Better Surround Sound

You have probably already stepped into a completely empty room and immediately noticed how bad the room acoustics are. The room echoes and feels somehow uncomfortable, almost like being in a cathedral. You would like to reduce the reverb immediately somehow . Bad room acoustics cannot only occur in empty rooms. That is why it makes sense to design the […]

Door Squeaks – You Can Do This Against A Squeaking Door

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. When a door squeaks, it is usually both annoying and exhausting for all residents. Because such a squeak usually occurs every time the door is opened and / or closed and is therefore always recurring and somehow constantly present. You could almost go insane. Fortunately, this problem can usually be fixed easily. This article […]