Insulate The Door Against Noise – 8 Tips For Soundproofing The Door

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Often the biggest gateway for noise and noise in the apartment is the front door or the apartment door. But doors should also be soundproofed as well as possible inside the apartment, for example the door to the bedroom, children’s room, bathroom and living room.

Unfortunately, this is often not the case, for various reasons.

For example, many doors are too thin, hollow on the inside or have too wide a gap between the door base and the floor. In general, if the door is not well-insulated, there are many ways for noise to get inside.

Fortunately, something can be done about it. There are many different ways to insulate a door against noise . Some of these methods are even surprisingly cheap and quickly implemented yourself.

In the following article we present some common ways to insulate a door against noise and noise.

If you are more interested in window soundproofing , then click on the previous link.

Rubber seals, sealing tape and weatherstrip for the door

Weatherproof and self-adhesive foam sealing strips are primarily intended to block wind, dust, rain and drafts on doors and windows. They should keep the heat in winter and thus help to save energy.

These sealing strips can also be used against noise. The advantage of sealing tape such as this one * is the low purchase price and the fact that it can be easily and quickly attached yourself.

Often such a small measure can produce amazing results.

Door bottom seal for noise insulation

If you want to insulate a door against noise, you should also pay attention to the door base. The gap between the door base and the floor is often too wide, so that noise, wind, cold and dust can penetrate there. Even insects and spiders like to use this route to gain unwanted access to the apartment or house.

A well-fitting door bottom seal can be very effective in isolating against noise. Such a self-adhesive door seal * can easily be attached yourself and already provide a significant improvement.

Door bottom seal with brush for noise insulation

A door bottom seal with a brush can also protect against drafts, dust, cold and noise. The brushes of this seal close the gap between the door and the floor.

Often these seals come with an aluminum rail and a continuous brush. The simple installation and low purchase price also speak in favor of a door bottom seal with a brush * .

Door cushions as sound insulation and for thermal insulation

Another way to insulate a door from sound is with a door pad. You often see such door cushions in doctor’s offices, law firms or on the bedroom door.

In addition to the sound and heat absorbing effect, door cushions are also often installed because of their special and often elegant look. Old and unsightly doors are given a completely new and fresh design with a door pad.

Insulate the door against noise with foam

An existing door can be dampened against noise with foam. For this purpose, the sound insulation can be glued directly to the door.

Depending on whether the door still needs to be usable, there are other methods of insulating a door against noise. In old buildings, in particular, one occasionally has the situation that a connecting door exists between two rooms, but it is not used.

Such connecting doors are often a gateway for noise and noise from the room on the other side. If such a connecting door is no longer to be used, then a sound insulation can also be clamped directly into the door shaft. It is even better if the foam is glued to a suitable wooden board beforehand.

Alternatively, the sound insulation can also be glued directly onto the door from both sides.

For this purpose there are special foam sheets for insulation, for example such self-adhesive foam sheets for sound insulation. *

Hang up a soundproof curtain against noise

A sound protection curtain is also known as an acoustic curtain or noise protection curtain. All these terms mean more or less the same product, namely a curtain that increases the sound insulation to and from the outside.

If you want to increase the sound insulation for a door, you can opt for such a sound insulation curtain. Noise protection curtains are very flexible, inexpensive to buy and usually easy to install yourself. Anyone who has ever hung a normal curtain can also hang up a soundproof curtain.

Soundproof curtains, such as this one * , are available in one or more layers and of course in many different colors.

Depending on the product, a soundproof curtain can not only reduce the insulation, but also reduce the reverberation time and thereby improve the room acoustics. Soundproof curtains can also be used to save energy and to darken. As a result, such curtains are of course particularly suitable for the front door, the apartment door or the bedroom door.

Of course, soundproof curtains are actually intended for windows, where they do an excellent job, but there is no reason not to hang such curtains from the inside in front of a door. If you are in the relevant room, you simply close the door and close the curtains. Something has already been done to ensure peaceful living and the reduction of noise.

Soundproof curtains and acoustic curtains can also be found in cinemas, theaters, recording studios and other locations where soundproofing and room acoustics are important.

Mute the noise on the other side of the door

Even if a door is often the gateway for noise and noise, the door is of course not the source of the noise. Of course we can take a lot of measures to dampen a door as best we can, but sometimes it is better to get to the root of the problem and make sure that there is not so much noise in front of the door.

For example, it can be helpful to lay a carpet or drape a rug in front of the door in question. A carpet cannot completely block out the noise, but it is still able to dampen it a little.

Especially on floors with a hard surface, the sound is simply reflected and can thus ensure that an undesirable reverberation is created. A carpet, on the other hand, acts like a kind of sound absorber and can therefore provide a significant plus in peace. A beautiful runner also gives a hallway that certain flair.

Bookshelves on both sides of the hallway can also provide additional peace, as they can act a bit like a sound absorber

Buy a new door

Even if this measure is probably the most expensive of the tips presented here, a new door against noise can of course make a huge difference. Many doors are hollow on the inside and do not provide adequate soundproofing. On the contrary, some doors can almost act as a kind of amplifier for the noise.

A solid and heavy door with more mass can of course absorb more sound than a light and hollow door.

There are special soundproof doors that have been specially made for this purpose. Such soundproof doors are available as apartment entrance doors as well as interior doors. Whether a new door frame is required for a new soundproof door should be checked on a case-by-case basis.


When it comes to soundproofing and soundproofing, doors are often the weakest link in the chain. Fortunately, there are various ways of successfully insulating doors against noise.

You don’t always have to spend a lot of money. Even small and inexpensive measures can significantly improve the sound insulation of a door.

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